Saturday, 12 April 2008

Happy Songkran

When I went out with the motorbike this morning and just came out of the first corner, a brigade of little children were lurking on the side of the road and poured 2 or 3 waterbuckets over me.
Woooo, you might think, I should have stopped the bike and beat the hell out of these little rats. :-)
But this was no act of bad behaviour or ambush, but the first day of the Thai new year celebrations, the so called "Songkran-Festival". Actually the time of the 3 day celebrations have been traditionally used by Thai people to carry out a general clean-up of their house. But in recent years the big cities and tourists centres have become a scenery for massive "Water-wars". People use water guns and buckets to make everybody wet that is close to them. Many people drive on pick-up trucks with big tons of ice cooled water in the bag to be able to refill the "weapons". Tomorrow I will join the fights on the back of the pick-up truck of my friend tew. Together with my friends I will prepare a few dozens of cool showers for my Thai people down there on the streets!!!

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