Saturday, 2 February 2008

Chiang-Mai Flower Festival

hey dudes!

today I woke up early and went out to see the famous Chiang-Mai flower festival. It takes place each year in early february and last for three days. Today I took pictures of the magnificent parade, where hundrets of people present themselves, in traditional Thai dresses, as well as with music instruments or artistic shows. The quality of the presentations was surprisingly good, not to say very good. For example a brass orchestra of maybe 50 children of around 10 years played songs like "Can't take my eyes of you" or "Pretty Fly for a white guy" in a special arrangement with so much feeling for rhythm and interpretation, that I was heavily impressed.

I further must admit, that I am more than satisfied with the quality of the pictures my brandnew Canon 400D takes. I guess this could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship. :-)
But now I don't want to bother you anymore, just have a look yourself!
2008-02-02 Flower Festival


Anonymous said...

Hi Marius,

Thanks for posting this really beautiful pictures of the so called Chiang-Mai flower festival. I must admit that I had a different image of Thailand. I am very pleasant surprised.

Well, enjoy the further time in Thailand, gain a lot of experience and do not forget about the 90 percent. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Marius,
nice to hear from you!
I will be reading your nice new blog, just like the old one ;)
By the way, you forgot a towel here in Ilmenau, hope you had another one for the trip hehe...

Cheers mate!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marius,
let´s write in english again:)
I wish you all the best in Thailand, have a lot of fun and I will stay tuned on your blog:)
Greetings from the cold Karneval Germany:)

Marius said...

hey people. thanks for commenting.
@jörg, which image of thailand did you have before? :-)
@gertius, could you please send me the towel to thailand, i urgently need it here. i just can't afford to buy a new one, as you know thailand is a high price area!
@Katy: very nice to hear from you. i wish you could come over to visit me and jozef, then we could make an australian reunion. and of course, only english must be spoken!

Asian Games Web said...

Chiang Mai is a beautiful place indeed. I spent my honeymoon there in 2005!